Contact Administration

Contact President Sunil Kumar!

Please use the scripts below to both email and call Tufts University's President Sunil Kumar. The goal is to flood the Administration with messages of support for RAs. The more people that reach out to Admin, the more seriously they’ll take our request for fair compensation. Feel free to personalize your messages as you see fit and indicate your affiliation with the University as appropriate.

Script For Emailing President Sunil Kumar

Emails to use:



I’m writing in support of the RAs at Tufts University who have been bargaining their union contract. Resident Assistants perform vital work: they monitor the dorms, act as first responders for students in health and safety crises, plan and carryout year-long programming, complete nightly rounds, serve as on-call staff, and more. RAs deserve pay and they deserve it now.

President Kumar: pay your RAs. Avoid the strike.



Script For Calling President Sunil Kumar

Call (617) 627-3320

Calls will likely go to Lisa Keniston, Administrative Assistant at the Office of the Trustees. The script below outlines what to say if she answers or if it goes to voicemail.


Hello, my name is _____, and I’m calling in support of the RAs at Tufts. I have a message for President Sunil Kumar.

The RAs at Tufts have been negotiating for fair compensation. They deserve to be paid for their work. I’m calling to ask President Kumar and the rest of Tufts University leadership to pay their RAs.

Please make sure President Kumar gets this important message. Thank you.