How to Support


We have multiple ways to support our cause, so for ease, follow these simple steps to provide support in whichever way you like!

The United Labor of Tufts Resident Assistants (ULTRA) represented by OPEIU Local 153 have been bargaining for a contract since February, and the Tufts administration has repeatedly rejected the union's proposal that would provide RAs compensation in the form of a stipend.

Tell Tufts University President Sunil Kumar, Executive VP Mike Howard, Board Chairman Peter Dolan, and Dean of Students Camille Lizarríbar that RA work is work, and these student workers deserve to be paid for their labor!

Click here to sign our petition!

2. Contact Tufts' Administration

Want a non-economic way to support the RAs?

Check out our "Contact Administration" page to learn about how you can support us by reaching out to Tufts' administration.

3. Donate to our GOFUNDME

We are asking all community members to contribute to the ULTRA strike fund. Tufts RA’s will be going on strike beginning Tuesday, August 29th if Tufts University continues to refuse to offer us an economic counter-proposal that includes wages. On Friday, August 25th, the university threatened to lock RAs out of the dorms or revoke housing credits - a threat that, if carried out, would render many students homeless or force them to have to drop out of school. In case RAs lose our housing, food, or general building access, they will need funds and support from the community to ensure that RAs have three meals a day, supplies for our picket line, and a roof over our heads.

We will not give up this fight until the university agrees to pay student workers fair, living wages.

Click here to donate to our GoFundMe!

4. Follow our Social Media accounts

Instagram: @tuftsraunion

Twitter: @tuftsraunion